HELLBOUND RADIO – August 4, 2013 Playlist
Hellbound Metal: Radio playlist for the Sunday, August 4th edition of Hellbound Radio, broadcast live on INDI 101 FM in Hamilton ON
Hellbound Metal: Radio playlist for the Sunday, August 4th edition of Hellbound Radio, broadcast live on INDI 101 FM in Hamilton ON
We asked all of the contributing writers here at Hellbound.ca to submit their Top 10 albums of 2011, which we then compiled into a master list, assigning points to all their choices (10 points for #1, down to 1 point for #10). After tabulating the results, we have created Hellbound.ca’s Top 20 Albums of 2011. For part one of our continuing series, here is albums #20 through 16…
Short story even shorter, The Ocean ruled the night, Job For A Cowboy was on the wrong show and BTBAM were technically flawless but the band became a victim of their own songwriting.
Relapse has remastered the album and it sounds phenomenal compared to the original. The instruments are crystal clear and the drums and bass have more weight to them giving the music more depth.
I wish Demigod from Behemoth had this type of balance mixing wise. While everything on this album sounds huge it is clear and concise unlike the previously mentioned effort from Behemoth where the vocals were huge and nothing else.
There aren’t many bands around here with the talent SJL has and with everyone splitting off and pursing new projects maybe some new great bands will rise from the ashes but there won’t be a better tech jazz band around here for years to come.
Doombox, the new EP from movie grindmasters Graf Orlock is coming to remind us all of the obscure and not so obscure movies with great lines complimented by great fucking music. With a new lead vocalist that is hilarious and brings an old punk vibe to the music, Graf Orlock is bringing the grind, old school style
What is the best thing Entombed has done since Wolverine Blues? It’s Seattle, Washington’s Black Breath and their album Heavy Breathing.
Here is what we played on the Sunday, November 21st edition of HELLBOUND RADIO
The first record gave me a lot of reasons to listen to it time and again. This new record gives me reason to let it collect dust. The best songs here are from the indie release, so there’s no need to spin the new one if you own the first album, and if you don’t I suggest you track it down and buy it.