20 Years of Inertia Entertainment
It’s not everyday that a company like Inertia Entertainment celebrates a milestone like this. What better way to celebrate 20 years in the business than…
It’s not everyday that a company like Inertia Entertainment celebrates a milestone like this. What better way to celebrate 20 years in the business than…
“If you’re a fan of extreme metal and you live in North America, it’s likely that you have a strong impulse to attend the continent’s biggest annual festival: Maryland Deathfest. Actually attending the fest, however, isn’t always possible, especially if you live thousands of miles away.”
Part two of Jay H. Gorania’s recap of Maryland Deathfest 2012, with live photos by Albert Mansour.
Today’s staff interview is with our Toronto based stoner rock superfan Gruesome Greg
Any disappointment should be alleviated this evening with a solid double-dose of heaviness just offa Bathurst. NYC’s Tombs and Neurot recording artists A Storm of Light are playing Sneaky Dee’s, then I’m gonna head down the street to catch Macabre, my all-time favourite grind band, at the Hard Luck Bar.
Anyways, if you’re one of those weirdos like me who worship Macabre, you’ll want this one. Although the production is a lot better and the sound slightly more modern, there are enough shades of Sinister Slaughter on Grim Scary Tales that oughtta make solid additions to their live set next time they’re in our vicinity.
Note to all progressive, dual-drummer, indie-sludge enthusiasts: If you’re gonna show up after 10 for the Kylesa gig tonite, better bring your dancing shoes. The Annex Wreckroom is a venue that knows which side its bread is buttered, and as such, tonite’s gig is an early show–doors @ 7, Kylesa @ 9. Don’t say you weren’t warned.