A double dose of heaviness this evening…

I hafta say, I’m kinda disappointed I missed that free outdoor Moonspell gig last nite at the Portuguese festival.  Opening for Shaun Desman and Danny Fernandes, that woulda been quite the crowd.  But hey, they took the stage right when the puck dropped on Game 5, what can I say?  I don’t really want Vancouver to win, but if this is the year that a Canadian team wins the Cup, then at least it’s not Edmonton…

That said, any disappointment should be alleviated this evening with a solid double-dose of heaviness just offa Bathurst.  NYC’s Tombs and Neurot recording artists A Storm of Light are playing Sneaky Dee’s, then I’m gonna head down the street to catch Macabre, my all-time favourite grind band, at the Hard Luck Bar.

I gotta say, ASOL caught my ear with their latest album, and I’m looking forward to seeing ’em pull it off in person.  Kudos to Stuck in the City, who usually books hardcore punk shows, for being so accommodating.  I still remember back in February ’09 when they moved a Zoroaster gig from Siesta Nouveaux to the equally-sketchy Adrift Clubhouse cuz Witch and Earthless were playing ’round the corner at the Horseshoe Tavern, and I got to catch all three of the aforementioned.  Tonite’s gig at Sneaky’s starts at 7, and they’ve made it clear that it’ll be over by 10, which suits me just fine.

Not that there’ll be much foot traffic from the atmospheric post-sludge of ASOL and Tombs to the murder metal of Macabre, but I will definitely be making the trek one block south from College to Dundas.  Macabre’s Grim Scary Tales is one of my favourite 2011 releases (right up there with Crowbar, Witch Mountain, Argus and The Gates of Slumber, in case you were wondering), and, as I wrote in my review, a lot of these songs should fit seamlessly into their live set.  I’ve got nothing against openers Hellacaust or Sepulchre, either, so the sooner the Tombs show ends, the better!



A Storm of Light, Tombs, Vilipend, Purity Control @ Sneaky Dee’s, 431 College St.  Doors @ 7.  $12.

Macabre, Hellacaust, Sepulchre @ Hard Luck Bar, 812 Dundas St. W.  Doors @ 8.  $20.

Seahawks/Stamps/Flames/Zags/Jays/Raptors fan and lifelong metal head with a beer gut and a self-deprecating sense of humour. Reviewer/blogger (Yon Senior Doomsayer) for Hellbound.ca.