Premonition 13 – 13
This record adds another solid chapter to a long and storied career. Wino is God.
This record adds another solid chapter to a long and storied career. Wino is God.
For the most part, Dixie Witch straddles the line between southern and stadium rock, and while this album mostly hits the mark, there isn’t that much separating one song from the next. That said, Let It Roll doesn’t drag, at 36 minutes long, so you get your fill before it becomes too much to handle.
This is a solid, dynamic, vintage rock ‘n roll record, 13 tracks spanning 57 minutes yet hardly a dull moment to be found.
“I never in a million years thought we’d be talking about Saint Vitus now but here we are on the move again. It’s all looking pretty good, and it’s unusual. But it’s o.k. with me. When I turned 50 I realized it was time to loosen up. I decided not to worry as much and realized I’d be o.k. if I had a few beers. I had an attitude change. I’m not as uptight anymore.”
Justin M. Norton in conversation with the one and only Scott “Wino” Weinrich
By Gruesome Greg Sonic Medusa is a brand-new quartet of heavy rock veterans like Greg Rogers of The Obsessed and Tom Five, who played…
I like free things. I especially like them when they give me the chance to see a bunch of bands I dig for, well, nothing. So, after passing on going to the initial Scion Rock Festival with Kevin Stewart-Panko last year when it happened in Atlanta, I made up my mind I wouldn’t miss this year’s edition. When it was announced in early February that this year’s edition would be happening in a much closer location – Columbus, Ohio to be exact – we made plans to go.
Sean Palmerston recaps the 2010 Scion Rock Festival in Columbus OH for Hellbound.ca.
With a roster of talent that is hard to match, Shrinebuilder’s Shrinebuilder is an impressive debut.
I could barely contain my excitement when Scott Kelly, Al Cisneros and Dale Crover quietly joined Wino, set up their stuff, pointedly ignored the choruses of cheers and the prerequisite ‘I love you, man’ from some drunk/high audience member and just started playing.