Khemmis – Absolution
After Colorado legalized marijuana, it was only a matter of time before we started hearing about new buzz bands from the Denver stoner scene….
After Colorado legalized marijuana, it was only a matter of time before we started hearing about new buzz bands from the Denver stoner scene….
Their experience as the backing band for Ihsahn (of Emperor fame) may have given Leprous an advantage. I, for one, took extra notice of…
Those Periphery boys are at it again. The Maryland sextet brings their unique progressive style back with a new double album, Juggernaut:Alpha and Juggernaut:Omega….
There’s some mighty good shit coming out of Scotland. At least in so far as this review is concerned. The shit (with horns up…
As an Irishman, I’m constantly astonished at the sheer quality and diversity of the bands Canada is producing. That this album is a self-release…
Hellbound Metal: “I’m not saying Fates has released an all time classic but with this album they can stand proud and show all the doubters that they are indeed back and can still be a force in progressive metal.”
Hellbound Metal: “This album paints a landscape of epic proportions that I have rarely heard: it is a perfect headphone experience.”
Basically if you threw Nevermore, Pagans Mind, Scar Symmetry in a blender with catchy 80s pop music your end mixture would be what you get with Voyager.
Keeping up with their habit of releasing an album every two years, I believe that Redemption has released the best album of their career to date.
This album makes for perfect headphone action. A great well rounded production allows each instrument to be heard which enhances the listening enjoyment. You can easily lump this album in the prog/tech section but its so much more than just that. It is almost a prog rock groove laden album with atmosphere and movie soundtrack vibes with killer chops.