Blekkmetal Film – screening July 3 in Montreal
Blekkmetal is a compelling video document – worth watching simply for the live performances the film captures, but even more so for its unique…
Blekkmetal is a compelling video document – worth watching simply for the live performances the film captures, but even more so for its unique…
Historians and critics may curse Raised On The Sunset Strip for presenting a documentary which features some pretty plainly revisionist history of the L.A….
Up until pretty recently, the question “What the hell happened to Death From Above 1979” was a perfectly valid one. At one point, the…
Gaborone-based bangers Wrust still need nearly two grand to bring their metal to the masses (or at least Milan, Italy) and they only have four more days to raise the money. Now’s your change to help save a band in Africa–and trust me, the Christian Children’s Fund has absolutely nothing to do with this!
If the Bobby Liebling doc Last Days Here was a testament to a man hitting rock bottom due to drugs, once could say that Jay Bulger’s new doc, Beware of Mr. Baker, shows the heights one can ascend to while totally whacked out on smack. But unlike Liebling, who got by with a little help from his friends, Ginger Baker finds himself in the twilight of his life isolated and alone–in South Africa, no less. OK, so this probably isn’t a pro-drug PSA, either…
Although he came off as a coked-out space cadet on the two occasions I’ve seen him perform, and I’ve read many an interview where he clearly appears to be off his rocker, I can safely say that Bobby Liebling is not on drugs. Because I’ve seen him on drugs, in the Last Days Here documentary, and he looked a lot worse than he does now.
Canadian Music Week has always been the first weekend in March, and as such, I’ve adjusted/cleared my schedule accordingly for the past few years. But this year, they’ve decided to make a change, moving the event to the fourth weekend of the month. The official reasoning I’ve heard is they want to have it after SXSW, as if that would entice more bands to come up and play here. Hey, there are tons of amazing metal bands that just played SXSW–and I don’t see a single one on the bill for Canadian Music Week.
I gotta say, I’ve been pretty stoked for Slow Southern Steel ever since I first heard of the concept a couple years back. A documentary on the southern sludge scene starring Kylesa, Eyehategod, Sourvein, Zoroaster, Dixie Witch and Weedeater, to name but a few, directed by CT from Rwake, sure sounds like it’s right up my alley. And now that the film’s finally ready for release, they’re taking the show on the road, with screenings in 19 US cities opening for Zoroaster and sludge supergroup Hail! Hornet (feat. Dixie Dave, T.Roy et al). To say that I’m awfully tempted would be an understatement…
Pure Fucking Mayhem is a film painted by various interviews of both the prominent and unknown, where much is discussed on the personalities of Mayhem’s infamous band members who have made a significant impact to Norwegian Black Metal.
Attention bangers, rockers, skids, black metal enthusiasts and inquisitive individuals alike: the world’s most unique film about black metal is making its long awaited arrival to Toronto!
In the newest entry into The Blasphemy Blog, Ola Mazzuca discusses the Toronto debut later this week of Until The Light Takes Us