Corrections House – Last City Zero
By Gruesome Greg Q: What do you get when you put Mike Williams, Scott Kelly, Bruce Lamont and Sanford Parker in one building? A:…
By Gruesome Greg Q: What do you get when you put Mike Williams, Scott Kelly, Bruce Lamont and Sanford Parker in one building? A:…
If Thursday is the new Friday, does that make Wednesday the new Thursday? Well, I hope so, cuz I’ve got a coupla Wild Wednesdays coming up next month. The summer concert season goes out with a bang for yours truly, but man, couldn’t they have put one of these gigs on a weekend?
Back by popular demand, here are the Staff Playlists for February 2011!
Even though this might be the darkest Yakuza record thus far, it’s also the most song oriented. It seems that Yakuza has focused on crafting their free form jazz metal jams into more succinct pieces this time around, which allows for a more palatable record. Palatable that is, for folks who found their previous work too challenging to listen to.