
Heavy Metal, Popular Culture, and Academia

“Importantly, the presentations often approached a generalized assumption that some group or groups of people hold about metal music or culture only to complexify the issue, demonstrating how research in particular locations, milieus, and demographics reveals the diversity in the ways people understand and engage with metal.”

Laura Wiebe reports back on the first North American academic heavy metal conference.

Introducing Blasphemous Meals: A heavy metal culinary lesson through Annick Giroux’s Hellbent For Cooking

“Hellbent for Cooking is a compilation of culinary classics of every culture from metal bands and artists around the world. It is a celebration of a simple yet exciting marriage between music and cuisine, where Giroux proves that the portrayal of metalheads being junkfood-lovers false.

I have decided to record my thoughts and experiences while cooking my way through Hellbent for Cooking, also providing my view on the bands that graciously donated their recipes.”

New Blasphemy Blog entry by Ola Mazzuca.