HELLBOUND RADIO: August 18, 2013 Playlist
Here is what we played on the August 18, 2013 edition of Hellbound Radio.
Here is what we played on the August 18, 2013 edition of Hellbound Radio.
Hellbound Metal: “So, as you may or may not have noticed, we took June 30th off to spend with our significant others and get ready for Canada Day. However, we were back in full force this past Sunday – or at least Kevi Metal was. Yes, we made Mr. Metal do a solo show once again, but thankfully he had loads of new stuff to play. Here’s what he spun…”
Hellbound Metal: “A day later than usual, but here is Sunday night’s playlist! We had all three hosts in on the show on Sunday night – for at least 20 minutes at the same time even. Sean was late getting to the show and Albert needed to leave early, so we only had all the team in for a little bit but it was a good show regardless.”
Hellbound Metal: “Two weeks in a row! That must be some kind of record around here. Truth be told, last night’s show was more of a solo mission than a group effort. Sean was still down in Port Dover, ON celebrating Father’s Day with his pops and Albert is currently on call for a film he is doing extra work on, so this show was done entirely by Mr. Kevi Metal himself. No surprise then that, for the most part, everything on this show is essentially new releases, as KSP likes to keep it current. Anyway, here’s what was heard on last night’s show…”
Well holy shit, it’s a Hellbound Radio playlist! Well, there actually hasn’t been a playlist for a while, as it has been nearly a month since we have done the show live. Never fear however, faithful listeners/followers, for Hellbound Radio returned on Sunday night with a show jam packed full of new releases.