Reviews – Vinyl

Fell Voices – Regum Saturni

With Regnum Saturni, Fell Voices play darkness against light, cold against warmth, chaos against order. While it would work well as background music, it deserves more respect than that. This album is meant to be experienced with undivided attention.

Lychgate – s/t

Hellbound Metal: “Lychgate is a harrowing experience not for the faint of heart guaranteed to shrivel your soul into a black mass with its dense sonics and disorienting vocal ministrations.”

Vilipend – Inamorata LP

Inamorata is an emotionally taxing journey leaving you breathlessly heartbroken and physically exhausted yet hungry for more. If you’re a fan of aggressive, heartfelt and challenging metal, to let Inamorata pass you by would be simply opprobrious.