
Adrenechrome – Hideous Appetites

Hellbound Metal: As a young band Adrenechrome may just be starting to nail down exactly what they want to be. Hideous Appetites is a good start. With chops to spare (Mike Van Dyk is one sick bassist.) and a good grasp on hooks, they are pretty close.

Whoa, talk about a blast from the past…

In case you didn’t know, Moxy had a few hits in the mid-to-late 70’s. Their 1975 self-titled album kinda sounds like Rush’s debut, before the latter got more progressive, and featured guitar virtuoso Tommy Bolin on several solos–he just happened to be recording in the studio next door. These guys were so big down in Texas that AC/DC opened for them on a string of dates in 1977, and were reportedly dubbed the Canadian Zeppelin by Sounds critic Geoff Barton…

Lychgate – s/t

Hellbound Metal: “Lychgate is a harrowing experience not for the faint of heart guaranteed to shrivel your soul into a black mass with its dense sonics and disorienting vocal ministrations.”