
Fullforce – One

The album is definitely worth picking up for those of you into the hard rock/power/prog scene but I think that the next album (perhaps entitled Two?) will be INCREDIBLE if Fullforce can pull off songs like the first half of One all the way through.

RIFFS NOT RIOTS @ Fortune Sound Club, Vancouver BC, July 13, 2011

“While the Stanley Cup Riot of 2011 will be neither forgiven nor forgotten any time soon, it was heartening to see Vancouver’s metal scene step up and do their part to help soothe some of the sting the city’s been feeling since that night. I also got my eyes opened – there are a lot of incredible bands in this city”

Rob Hughes and Kyle Harcott review the July 13th RIFFS NOT RIOTS festival that happened in Vancouver. Concert photography by Ted Reckoning.

Disma – Towards The Megalith

Towards the Megalith is crushingly heavy – like monolithic pillars being dropped on top of you. Firmly anchored in the OSDM realm, the album features a demoralizing mix of harsh, seriously downtuned, doom-laden dirges that crawl along on split knuckles.