Steve Earles

Steve Earles is author and co-author of numerous projects, including To End All Wars: The WWI Graphic Anthology, available summer 2014 (

The Oath – The Oath

It says a lot for The Oath that their music actually matches the images created by the album’s cover. I’ve seen this album described…

Karkaos – Empire

I had not heard of the intriguingly named Karkaos before and this is a shame as they are a pretty decent band. Musically, the…

Kolony – Sledge

Review by Steve Earles Canada is like a metallic Cauldron (pun intentional!) at the moment, constantly spewing forth molten metal into the world. And…

Viathyn – Cynosure

Once again, another self-release that would put a major label to shame, this is of the same quality as many a band on, for…