Drawers – Drawers


By Gruesome Greg

Sure, there’s certainly no shortage of silly European band names, but Drawers!? If you’re going to name yourself after furniture, at least adopt the Swedish moniker they give it at Ikea (that would be Helmer, in case you’re wondering) to avoid sounding like a pseudonym for underpants. Boy, we’re not off to a good start here, are we?

This French outfit redeems themselves somewhat with this 30-minute platter of Georgia-style semi-sludge. The press kit compares them to Mastodon and Baroness, but I think I hear a little more Kylesa thoughout this swampy mess—minus the female vocals, of course. There’s also quite a bit of blasting, a little too much for my tastes.

All told, this album lasts and lingers with me for about as long as an Ikea dresser. Never buying one of those things again!

(Kaotoxin Records)



Laura is associate editor of Hellbound.ca and co-host of weekly metal show Kill Eat Exploit the Weak on CFMU 93.3 FM. She loves doom, prog, cats and basketball, believes in equity and social justice and is not cool with any form of discrimination, marginalization, harassment or oppression.