Heavy Metal in 2017 by Steve Earles
Ah, that most glorious time of the year for music writers – year-end season is upon us once again! 2017 was a tumultuous year,…
Ah, that most glorious time of the year for music writers – year-end season is upon us once again! 2017 was a tumultuous year,…
Ah, that most glorious time of the year for music writers – year-end season is upon us once again! 2017 was a tumultuous year,…
Hellbound’s Top Metal Releases of the Year, part II Twelve Hellbound contributors named their ten favourite metal releases of 2017. Kyle Harcott tallied the…
Hellbound’s Top Metal Releases of the Year, part I Twelve Hellbound contributors named their ten favourite metal releases of 2017. Kyle Harcott tallied the…
We at Hellbound are nearly ready to weigh in on the best metal releases of 2017 with our collective top ten, as voted by…
While much of modern civilization seems to be imploding (or, perhaps, some destructiveness is becoming harder to not see), metal continues to evoke, chronicle, critique, ignore,…
Not all our Canadian favourites made it to this year’s top ten list (hellbound.ca/2016/12/hellbounds-top-10-canadian-albums-2016). For that reason we share with you here the top…
This has gotta be the first time that Hellbound’s top two Canadian albums were even on my list, but I think that speaks to…
Hellbound’s End of Year Wrap Up: Part 10 Well, hell’s bells – 2016 was a hellride of a year, wasn’t it?! As the New Year comes…
Hellbound’s End of Year Wrap Up: Part 9 Well, hell’s bells – 2016 was a hellride of a year, wasn’t it?! As the New Year comes creeping…