HELLBOUND RADIO: August 18, 2013 Playlist
Here is what we played on the August 18, 2013 edition of Hellbound Radio.
Here is what we played on the August 18, 2013 edition of Hellbound Radio.
“My other band was an expression of something much larger than myself; a monument if you will. It will always represent an essential part of my mind and spirit. Birth A.D., on the other hand, is a way for me to exercise complaints over the “daily life” portion of my existence. People are stupid, traffic sucks, everyone has cancer and so on. But it’s important to note that one band doesn’t negate the other in any way. It’s merely two different sides of me, kind of like the whole Rocky/Rambo thing that Sylvester Stallone did (or maybe that’s a weird example).”
Keith Carman in conversation with BIRTH A.D. bassist/vocalist Jeff Tandy.
Essentially, Stillbirth Of A Nation is everything current acts such as Municipal Waste, Toxic Holocaust and other thrash-aping act wish they could be without so much as ruffling their denim-covered leather.