Amon Amarth, Sabaton, and Skeletonwitch in Thunder Bay, October 7, 2014
Photos By Scott Hobbs The crowd for the October 7th Amon Amarth show in Thunder Bay was made up of the usual suspects. Whereas…
Photos By Scott Hobbs The crowd for the October 7th Amon Amarth show in Thunder Bay was made up of the usual suspects. Whereas…
Photos by Justin Richardson Want to read a review of the Thunder Bay show on the same tour? Check it out here – review by…
Review by William Seay Photos by Jackson May (Amon Amarth main, Enslaved) and Jake Dodge (Amon Amarth) So I’ve decided that Amon Amarth are, in…
Photo by Bailey Ann Gottlieb Interview by Patrick Chappelle Occasionally, the boundaries of metal are tested and stretched beyond the confines of what its…
Ask the Hellbound writers what the best albums of 2013 were and you get a wide-ranging list covering well over 100 records. It’s a…
Earlier this fall Hellbound’s Renee Trotier caught up with Skeletonwitch bassist Evan Linger after their recent show at Toronto’s Mod Club. Together they discuss the band’s new album Serpents Unleashed, touring, Canadian bands, horror movies, shampoo and who would win a wrestling match between a grizzly and a gorilla. Click the link for all of the action
There’s something evil baking in the kitchen of Kathy Bejma, a Chi-town native who’s creative to the max with her concept of merging metal with cupcakes. Developed in 2008, Metalcakes is a culinary tribute to her favourite bands, baking with supreme passion whilst listening to the most blasphemous of records. From the simple topping of whipped cream to the intricacy of edible flowers, Bejma’s blog includes a detailed account of each process, sharing her recipes with a global following.
Ola Mazzuca in conversation with Kathy Bejma about her blasphemous cupcake creations.
Today’s staff interview is with Renee Trotier, who also blogs at http://www.throwingthehorns.wordpress.com
Kevin Stewart-Panko and Sean Palmerston interviewed Mike Thompson of Withered when they played at Hamilton’s Club Absinthe last Thursday night.
“Vocalist Chance Garnett is a natural born frontman and knows how to entice a crowd. He paces back and forth, holding invisible oranges to the sky while guitarists Scott Hedrick and N8 Feet Under take turns demonstrating their fret board mastery.”
Hellbound’s Renee Trotier reviews the recent Hamilton, Ontario appearance by Skeletonwitch, supported by Landmine Marathon and Withered with photos by Adam Wills.