Blizaro—City of the Living Nightmare
If you like your doom proggy and your prog doomy, don’t hesitate to step into the psychotronic world of Blizaro.
If you like your doom proggy and your prog doomy, don’t hesitate to step into the psychotronic world of Blizaro.
We asked all of the contributing writers here at Hellbound.ca to submit their Top 10 albums of 2010, which we then compiled into a master list, assigning points to all their choices (10 points for #1, down to 1 point for #10). After tabulating the results, we have created Hellbound.ca’s Top 20 Albums of 2010. For part two of our continuing series, here is albums #15 through 11…
Known for their decidedly old school style death metal releases – we’re talking in the vein of Impetigo, (the Canadian) Slaughter and Repulsion here folks – it makes total sense that this album could have only come out on Razorback Records.