My Dying Bride: For Lies I Sire
For Lies I Sire is the latest release by UK doom stalwarts My Dying Bride. It is the newest offering to feature Aaron Stainthorpe’s romantic dark vocals.
For Lies I Sire is the latest release by UK doom stalwarts My Dying Bride. It is the newest offering to feature Aaron Stainthorpe’s romantic dark vocals.
Eight Ways returns to the captivating style explored on Deadlands. Eight Ways departs from that 2002 release in two important ways. First, while Deadlands tapered off around the middle of the album and never recovered, Eight Ways manages to sustain the interest level for its duration. Second, and certainly a key factor in explaining the first point, is the fearless-yet-tasteful exploration. Eight Ways is the sound of a band not only playing to its strengths but successfully extending that core sound.
While Darkthrone may have been associated with the second wave of black metal by virtue of its time and place, the hellish duo behind the band, Fenriz and Nocturno Culto, always associated their band with the first wave of black metal, prior to the establishment of rigid genre boundaries. Back then, black metal had more to do with attitude and spirit. Darkthrone has always remained firmly entrenched in that black metal ethos.