Nunslaughter – Angelic Dread
If the review of the Spooky split with Acid Switch whetted your appetite for more Nunslaughter, read on… Angelic Dread is Nunslaughter’s first full length…
If the review of the Spooky split with Acid Switch whetted your appetite for more Nunslaughter, read on… Angelic Dread is Nunslaughter’s first full length…
I love splis releases. A recent favourite would have to be Godreah’s splendid The Bones of This Land Are Not Speechless/British Black Punk Metal,…
“I cannot stress how fantastic it was to attend Noctis V. To get to see three nights of amazing shows from a lot of bands who would never come to this part of the world otherwise; to spend afternoons rubbing elbows with those same bands, esteemed members of the metal literati, and like-minded fans, all of us just there to bask in the glory of metal, welcome and free to discuss the music we love so much with people just like us. It just might be that Calgary is the new metal capital of Canada”
Noctis 2012 wrap up article by Kyle Harcott