An open love letter to Teresa Roncon – by Jay H. Gorania
Jay H. Gorania confesses his never-ending admiration for former Much Music metal VJ Teresa Roncon
Jay H. Gorania confesses his never-ending admiration for former Much Music metal VJ Teresa Roncon
“I think that with these two recent records, Deconstruction and Ghost – specifically with Deconstruction in my head, I can probably write this sort of Andrew Lloyd Webber-esque sort of absurdity that, if I was in a genre which afforded me the opportunity to really go for it on the level that they’re able to do with The Lion King or The Phantom of the Opera, it would be, in my opinion, just this completely free piece of work that has no creative limits and no boundaries, and that includes everything from like the most vulgar to the most beautiful.”
Laura Wiebe in conversation with the one and only Devin Townsend.