More Maryland Deathfest 2014 – going full bore at MDF
This review is quite long. But then, Maryland Deathfest was a long festival. It was full of bands I wanted to see. I also…
This review is quite long. But then, Maryland Deathfest was a long festival. It was full of bands I wanted to see. I also…
MDF XII: Saturday, May 24, 2014 After a bit of a delay, I offer you a few thoughts on the last day of Maryland Deathfest 2014. After…
MDF XII: Saturday, May 24, 2014 I woke up on Saturday to the sound of my own voice asking someone if they’d rather walk or…
MDF XII: Friday, May 23, 2014 Day 2 of Maryland Deathfest 2014 is a wrap (or make that Day 1, if you’re counting by full-on…
MDF XII: Thursday, May 22, 2014 Hellbound is at MDF once again (well, some of us at least). So far, our experiences of Maryland Deathfest…
The hardcore show of the summer takes place in Baltimore next month as the 25th anniversary tour of Eyehategod and the 30th anniversary tour of Agnostic Front collide at the Ottobar September 13th. But wait, there’s more…
“If you’re a fan of extreme metal and you live in North America, it’s likely that you have a strong impulse to attend the continent’s biggest annual festival: Maryland Deathfest. Actually attending the fest, however, isn’t always possible, especially if you live thousands of miles away.”
Part two of Jay H. Gorania’s recap of Maryland Deathfest 2012, with live photos by Albert Mansour.
When The Screams Come is a great visual document of the band that will be as entertaining to longtime fans of the band as it will be to newcomers. It’s not the flashiest, it’s certainly a warts-and-all type performance, but it captures a historically important band in their background getting the kind of adulation they deserve.
Last weekend saw America’s biggest metal party, the annual Maryland Deathfest, happen at Baltimore’s Sonar club. The fun started on Thursday night with an evening’s worth of bands indoors at Sonar. Here is what Hellbound’s Kevin Stewart-Panko, Laura Wiebe and Sean Palmerston thought of the bands they saw that evening, with live photos by Albert Mansour.