Hellbound.ca’s Top 20 Albums of 2011, Part 4
Ladies and gentleman, the TOP 5 METAL ALBUMS OF 2011 according to the contributing writers of Hellbound.ca…
Ladies and gentleman, the TOP 5 METAL ALBUMS OF 2011 according to the contributing writers of Hellbound.ca…
We asked all of the contributing writers here at Hellbound.ca to submit their Top 10 albums of 2011, which we then compiled into a master list, assigning points to all their choices (10 points for #1, down to 1 point for #10). After tabulating the results, we have created Hellbound.ca’s Top 20 Albums of 2011. For part two of our continuing series, here is albums #15 through 11…
“While the Stanley Cup Riot of 2011 will be neither forgiven nor forgotten any time soon, it was heartening to see Vancouver’s metal scene step up and do their part to help soothe some of the sting the city’s been feeling since that night. I also got my eyes opened – there are a lot of incredible bands in this city”
Rob Hughes and Kyle Harcott review the July 13th RIFFS NOT RIOTS festival that happened in Vancouver. Concert photography by Ted Reckoning.
Today’s staff interview is with Vancouver based writer Rob Hughes
Today’s interview is with Toronto metal writer and upcoming book author Laina Dawes
Today’s staff interview is with Renee Trotier, who also blogs at http://www.throwingthehorns.wordpress.com
Back by popular demand, here are the Staff Playlists for February 2011!
By Cara Cross I was introduced to Victoria B.C.’s Northern a couple weeks ago when they opened for Wolves in the Throne Room. The…
“The crowd, still frothing from Baptists’ frantic set, boiled over for Kylesa from the get-go when they opened with “Hollow Severer”. The band was in fine form throughout their set, which was mostly balanced between Static Tensions and Spiral Shadow.”
Kyle Harcott recaps the December 2nd performance by KYLESA, HAGGATHA and BAPTISTS at Vancouver’s Media Club. Live photos by Ted Wilson
“Vocalist Chance Garnett is a natural born frontman and knows how to entice a crowd. He paces back and forth, holding invisible oranges to the sky while guitarists Scott Hedrick and N8 Feet Under take turns demonstrating their fret board mastery.”
Hellbound’s Renee Trotier reviews the recent Hamilton, Ontario appearance by Skeletonwitch, supported by Landmine Marathon and Withered with photos by Adam Wills.