Lesbian – Hallucinogenisis
This Seattle post-sludge/black-metal outfit seemingly sees its shadow every three years, releasing albums in ’07, 2010, 2013 and now this, their fourth full-length, in…
This Seattle post-sludge/black-metal outfit seemingly sees its shadow every three years, releasing albums in ’07, 2010, 2013 and now this, their fourth full-length, in…
I could simply describe Disgorge, Mexico – The Movie as visually stunning yet disturbing, as Hall definitely has an aesthetic and a well-formed point of view that matches the brutality and not-to-be dismissed splendor in the chaotic madness of Ottawa’s Fuck the Facts – and brilliant in not only the fact that similar to Hall and Cardoso’s previous film (based on Today is the Day’s Axis to Eden), it is clearly obvious that Hall knows the music and its nuances inside and out.
Laina Dawes sits down for an advance screening of Disgorge, Mexico – The Film, the upcoming new film by Handshake Inc. that is based on the Fuck the Facts album of the same name.