Postcards from NatalieZed: Set #6!
Hellbound readers, we’re sure that by now you are all familiar with our Natalie Zed, right? Natalie was our big grand prize winner way back in January, taking home more than 50 CDs + and shortly after she received her huge box ‘o CDs, Ms. Zed asked us over at Hellbound HQ if we’d be interested in running reviews of her winnings if she did postcard sized reviews of the albums. How could we say no?
Well, with her last installment (reviews #41 – 48 for those keeping stats at home) Ms Zed actually finished up her prize and has now started to review newer CDs. So, without further adieu here is part 6 in what Hellbound likes to refer to as “Postcards From Natalie Zed”…