The Unsemble – The Unsemble
By Bill Adams The complicated thing about instrumental albums is that they’re really easy to make (getting a band to just jam is never…
By Bill Adams The complicated thing about instrumental albums is that they’re really easy to make (getting a band to just jam is never…
By Bill Adams Iggy Pop was once quoted as saying that the sound The Stooges were aiming for in their early days was “something…
By Bill Adams It might be a little late in the game to try and call what The Melvins have done on Tres Cabrones…
Really, Palms sounds like the best of Moreno’s world crossed with the best of Isis’ world knit neatly together – and fans of all of it can find something to love in this run-time.
“Having seen the Melvins in previous three-piece variants over the years, this was my very-excited first time seeing this four-on-the-floor version that includes the Big Business guys, even though the band’s been touring in this incarnation since 2006. First, the stage set-up is key: Looking like one monstrous kit, the twin drumsets are dead center of the stage mirroring each other as centerpiece of the show. Yes, everybody is situated right up front and gets to act as frontman-in-his-own-right in Melvins Mark, what is it, now, Eight?”
Kyle Harcott reviews the July 5th show Vancouver performance by the Melvins and Totimoshi.
Oh, what a strange race Buzz Osborne and The Melvins have run.
For this album, thirteen musicians weren’t just handed a single song and asked to artfully adorn it with electronics, they were handed as much source material from The Melvins’ songbook as they wanted and asked to get as creative as they wanted in creating something new from their source material selections; essentially being asked to create a series of sound collages from any and as much Melvins material as they liked.
A couple weeks ago, the world’s most accomplished stoner, multiple gold medallist Michael Phelps, returned to the pool after serving out his suspension for inhaling what, considering his lung capacity, must have been enough weed smoke to lay out the state of Utah.