Corrections House – Last City Zero
By Gruesome Greg Q: What do you get when you put Mike Williams, Scott Kelly, Bruce Lamont and Sanford Parker in one building? A:…
By Gruesome Greg Q: What do you get when you put Mike Williams, Scott Kelly, Bruce Lamont and Sanford Parker in one building? A:…
Dragged Down a Dead End Path does exactly as the title suggests. Call of the Void drags the listener, kicking and screaming, toward a gruesome end in a shallow, lonely grave they had to dig themselves.
Monolith of Inhumanity is the most notable of Cattle Decapitation’s releases so far, and its more progressive passages suggest possible future additions to the band’s traditional approach to things. They’re additions that I would be happy to see the band build on as they continue their climb up to broader recognizability and an increasingly unique ensemble sound.
If you are into Black Metal and especially something with an atmospheric and ambient edge to it, definitely get this album; it will be well worth it.
“It promised to be an epic night. With a good portion of Hellbound West (Rob Hughes/Cara Cross/yours truly) in the house, plus Mr. Palmerston representing the eastern faction, there was a definite buzz in the air for this showcase gig from local faves Ancients. On the cusp of putting out their reportedly-megalithic debut full-length, Ancients rented the Rickshaw for the night, brought a few friends’ bands along for the ride, and drew a pretty good crowd for their showcase.”
Live review by Kyle Harcott, except where noted. Concert photography by Ted Reckoning
Kevin Stewart-Panko plays the word association game with Liberteer’s Matthew Widener on the eve of the release of his new project’s debut album, Better to Die on Your Feet Than Live on Your Knees, set for release on Relapse Records on January 31st.
Vital and blistering on stage, and with a new album scheduled for February release, Napalm Death laid waste the Rickshaw and Vancouver’s grind-starved crowd.
Earlier this month SIEGE vocalist Kevin Mahoney died at the age of 46. And although his tenure in this legendary US fast hardcore band was short, their Drop Dead demo pretty much started grindcore and powerviolience. Hellbound’s Jay H. Gorania has collected the thoughts of some of the leaders in grindcore and sludge, including members of NAPALM DEATH, EYEHATEGOD, EXIT-13, KILL THE CLIENT, SOILENT GREEN and more to get their reactions on the sudden passing of Kevin and the impact that his created art has had on their scene.
Overall, Noisear is an obvious fit for the Relapse roster that has released a fine grind album.
I normally don’t like live records. Between bad recordings, obvious overdubs and embarrassing stage patter, I find most live albums to be unsatisfying to say the least. Live In Whitby from Ottawa’s Fuck The Facts destroys all of my misgivings in the first few seconds. The sound on this release is amazing! In fact, you can almost believe you’re standing directly in front of the sound guy at the venue, watching the sweat fly.