Back again by popular demand!
You keep asking when it’s coming back, so here it is. Here is what the staff of Hellbound.ca has been enjoying during the months of July and August 2013.
Back again by popular demand!
You keep asking when it’s coming back, so here it is. Here is what the staff of Hellbound.ca has been enjoying during the months of July and August 2013.
In this entry of Blasphemous Meals, Ola Mazzuca covers three recipes from the Hellbent For Cooking book (Bazillion Points) that come from here at home in Canada! Three very different options are presented here, two dinners and a desert, from three very different bands that have been a part of the Canadian metal underground over the past thirty years (Dissection, Blasphemy and Bastardator). Check them out!
Review and photos by Justin Richardson The Decibel Magazine Tour came through Charlotte almost three months ago, which puts this review in big bold…
Metalion is one of the greatest books about metal ever produced.
We asked all of the contributing writers here at Hellbound.ca to submit their Top 10 albums of 2010, which we then compiled into a master list, assigning points to all their choices (10 points for #1, down to 1 point for #10). After tabulating the results, we have created Hellbound.ca’s Top 20 Albums of 2010. For part one of our continuing series, here is albums #20 through 16…
This massive three-disc compilation gives the listener a sonic taster of all the flowery praise thrown around Daniel Ekeroth’s book and if that listener is a seasoned Sverige-phile, then Swedish Death Metal Compilation acts as a 3+ hour trip down the left hand path of memory lane. It’s all here, the good, bad, ugly, awesome, marginal and downright terrible
A Journey in Darkness is a truly singular work within the realm of Swedish metal. There really is nothing else like it. Recorded in 1993 at Unisound Studios, the pseudonymically-inclined all-star lineup consisted of It (aka. Tony Särkkä of Abruptum and Vondur), Mourning (aka. Robert Ivarsson of Pan Thy Monium), Winter (aka. Benny Larsson of Edge of Sanity and Pan Thy Monium) and, most famously, Shadow (aka. Jon Nödtveidt of Dissection).
Tate Bengston reviews the new Peaceville reissue of this long lost Swedish metal classic.