Blekkmetal Film – screening July 3 in Montreal
Blekkmetal is a compelling video document – worth watching simply for the live performances the film captures, but even more so for its unique…
Blekkmetal is a compelling video document – worth watching simply for the live performances the film captures, but even more so for its unique…
When The Screams Come is a great visual document of the band that will be as entertaining to longtime fans of the band as it will be to newcomers. It’s not the flashiest, it’s certainly a warts-and-all type performance, but it captures a historically important band in their background getting the kind of adulation they deserve.
Part two of Jay H Gorania’s recap of the 2010 Maryland Deathfest, covering what he saw and heard on the Saturday, May 29th portion of the fest. It includes Incantation, Asphyx, Repulsion, Jucifer and Autopsy
For the next hour and half Brutal Truth kept going. They filled their set with gems from their back-catalogue and a heavy dose of tracks off Evolution Through Revolution. At one point in the set Kevin Sharp announced “I’m Henry Winkler and I need some booze goddamnit!” The crowd loved every minute of it. I don’t know if everyone there realized the significance of Brutal Truth playing their home town, but honestly, it doesn’t matter – the band was incredible.
Handshake Inc’s David Hall recaps their experience at this year’s Manitoba Metal Fest making an upcoming film on American grind gods Brutal Truth.
I could simply describe Disgorge, Mexico – The Movie as visually stunning yet disturbing, as Hall definitely has an aesthetic and a well-formed point of view that matches the brutality and not-to-be dismissed splendor in the chaotic madness of Ottawa’s Fuck the Facts – and brilliant in not only the fact that similar to Hall and Cardoso’s previous film (based on Today is the Day’s Axis to Eden), it is clearly obvious that Hall knows the music and its nuances inside and out.
Laina Dawes sits down for an advance screening of Disgorge, Mexico – The Film, the upcoming new film by Handshake Inc. that is based on the Fuck the Facts album of the same name.