Laika – Somnia
This band have taken their monicker from the unfortunate Russian dog who became one of the first animals in space: Laika. Unusual name for a…
This band have taken their monicker from the unfortunate Russian dog who became one of the first animals in space: Laika. Unusual name for a…
Hellbound Metal: Radio playlist for the Sunday, July 21st edition of Hellbound Radio, broadcast live on INDI 101 FM in Hamilton ON
This marks the final part of our coverage of the 70000 TONS OF CRUISE festival, recapping the activities of day four on the boat. This was a full day at sea with music from early morning until the late hours of the evening.
In our fourth installment, Adrien, Kevin and Sean review live sets by SANCTUARY, VOIVOD, RAVEN, DEATH ANGEL, TESTAMENT and more. Live photos by Albert Mansour.
After the huge letdown of Dark Tranquillity’s latest album We Are The Void it is really good to see Soilwork back on their game.
Formed five years ago by founding Dark Tranquillity guitarist Niklas Sundin and three former members of goth veterans the Provenance, Laethora wastes absolutely no time in giving Swedish death metal fans exactly what they crave: bruising, punishing riffs and grooves reminiscent of great bands like Entombed and Unleashed.
The answer to whether or not a listener is satisfied by We Are The Void will boil down to individual taste; some will find it phenomenal and some will find the offering paltry and mawkish.
It might not be as de rigueur as Deathspell Omega, Gojira, or Hacride, but Destinity definitely deserves to be recognized as one of the stronger bands in this increasingly promising recent wave of French extreme metal.
There is nothing truly bad about We Are The Void, but there is nothing that makes the album standout from the band’s strong discography.