Ghoul – Intermediate Level Hardcore
Hellbound Metal: “The EP flies by in less than seven and a half minutes and each second oozes bloodsoaked fun. It’s a riotous good time full of aggression and tongue-in-cheek humour.”
Hellbound Metal: “The EP flies by in less than seven and a half minutes and each second oozes bloodsoaked fun. It’s a riotous good time full of aggression and tongue-in-cheek humour.”
A beautiful full-colour, hardcover affair, this perfect-bound 270-plus page coffee table piece is as extravagant and captivating as it is compelling, informative and exciting. From essays by the authors/cameramen to reflective contributions from genre mainstays including Robb Flynn, Alex Skolnick and Gary Holt, there’s an inescapable air of enthusiasm, adoration and importance to Murder In The Front Row.
Today’s staff interview is with Toronto writer Keith Carman
“My other band was an expression of something much larger than myself; a monument if you will. It will always represent an essential part of my mind and spirit. Birth A.D., on the other hand, is a way for me to exercise complaints over the “daily life” portion of my existence. People are stupid, traffic sucks, everyone has cancer and so on. But it’s important to note that one band doesn’t negate the other in any way. It’s merely two different sides of me, kind of like the whole Rocky/Rambo thing that Sylvester Stallone did (or maybe that’s a weird example).”
Keith Carman in conversation with BIRTH A.D. bassist/vocalist Jeff Tandy.
One of the things we polled our writers on was to tell us what their Event of The Year was for 2010. Here is what they have sent us in response…
The great thing about fests like MDF is that the metal is simply overflowing. The bad thing about fests like MDF is that the metal is simply overflowing. If it’s sitting down to catch your breath, or grabbing a drink or a bite to eat, there are plenty of reasons causing one to miss one or too many killer bands.
You can’t accuse Brian Posehn of being highbrow. You can however accuse him of being funny. Along with being funny, he’s also a giant metal head, rather a giant and a metal head. The six-foot-six comedian makes no secret of his passion for metal, and masturbation, farts and fake tits. With his latest CD, Fart and Weiner Jokes about to be released Posehn will let it all hang out.
Dave Sanders speaks with metalhead comedian supreme Brian Posehn about his new album, Fart and Weiner Jokes, released this week on Relapse Records and what is on his current playlist.
I like free things. I especially like them when they give me the chance to see a bunch of bands I dig for, well, nothing. So, after passing on going to the initial Scion Rock Festival with Kevin Stewart-Panko last year when it happened in Atlanta, I made up my mind I wouldn’t miss this year’s edition. When it was announced in early February that this year’s edition would be happening in a much closer location – Columbus, Ohio to be exact – we made plans to go.
Sean Palmerston recaps the 2010 Scion Rock Festival in Columbus OH for Hellbound.ca.
It’s a given D.R.I. will draw a crowd in their adopted city. Add that this was D.R.I’s first show here in six years since guitarist Spike Cassidy was diagnosed and then beat colon cancer and you have a sold out crowd where getting to the bathroom was a 15-minute undertaking. The band’s performance was far from a history lesson; it was a bunch of grizzled veterans showing the kids how to take care of business.
Justin M. Norton recaps D.R.I.’s recent return to Slim’s in San Francisco, CA.