The Return of… Kevi Metal’s Rimshots (August 2012 edition)
Back again by popular demand, it’s the one, the only Kevi H Metal and his Rimshot reviews! A long standing Hellbound favourite returns.
Back again by popular demand, it’s the one, the only Kevi H Metal and his Rimshot reviews! A long standing Hellbound favourite returns.
“Having seen the Melvins in previous three-piece variants over the years, this was my very-excited first time seeing this four-on-the-floor version that includes the Big Business guys, even though the band’s been touring in this incarnation since 2006. First, the stage set-up is key: Looking like one monstrous kit, the twin drumsets are dead center of the stage mirroring each other as centerpiece of the show. Yes, everybody is situated right up front and gets to act as frontman-in-his-own-right in Melvins Mark, what is it, now, Eight?”
Kyle Harcott reviews the July 5th show Vancouver performance by the Melvins and Totimoshi.