Southern Cross: Down Below
They might be called Southern Cross, but don’t let the name fool you. This ain’t no southern rock band.
They might be called Southern Cross, but don’t let the name fool you. This ain’t no southern rock band.
After a few years of relative quiet, Devin Townsend came back with two new albums in 2009. The first to fall on anxious ears was Ki, a relatively restrained outing for the often bombastic Townsend, introducing the Devin Townsend Project and what will eventually be a four-part multi-album endeavour. A few months later, Addicted followed, taking the project in a more straightforward and lively direction while shaking up the musical cast. (Addicted features vocalist Anneke van Giersbergen along with previous Townsend collaborators.) Here Devin answers a few logistical questions about the new project, covering distribution, pragmatic accounting, and future touring plans.
Interview by Laura Wiebe Taylor
Hellbound.ca’s good friend Adrian Bromley passed away one year ago today, on December 7th, 2008. Sean Palmerston discusses his friendship with Adrian and remembers his dear friend and colleague.
On the weekend of November 6th, Hellbound.ca’s own Adam Wills made the three hour trip up north to North Bay, Ontario to meet with Woods Of Ypres mastermind David Gold about his band’s new, then unreleased new album W4: The Green Album. In a Hellbound.ca exclusive, here is the first part of Adam’s interview with David about the band and their new album.
Lacuna Coil live photo courtesy of wikipedia, copyright creative commons By Melissa Andrews Lacuna Coil, previously already in Toronto this year on tour…
I could simply describe Disgorge, Mexico – The Movie as visually stunning yet disturbing, as Hall definitely has an aesthetic and a well-formed point of view that matches the brutality and not-to-be dismissed splendor in the chaotic madness of Ottawa’s Fuck the Facts – and brilliant in not only the fact that similar to Hall and Cardoso’s previous film (based on Today is the Day’s Axis to Eden), it is clearly obvious that Hall knows the music and its nuances inside and out.
Laina Dawes sits down for an advance screening of Disgorge, Mexico – The Film, the upcoming new film by Handshake Inc. that is based on the Fuck the Facts album of the same name.
By Melissa Andrews In the twenty plus years that Skinny Puppy have been around, their Friday the thirteenth show at Toronto’s Phoenix Concert Theatre…
I have to admit that one of the reasons why I pitched Hellbound.ca a concert review of the Planetary Depravity Tour was because I wanted to see Dying Fetus guitarist John Gallagher and guitarist Michael Keene from The Faceless play live. Would they be able to pull their dexterous guitar feats off or were they simply studio tricks? Does Gallagher look as evil and demented as he sounds? Inquiring minds wanted to know.
Laina Dawes reviews the recent Toronto stop of the Planetary Depravity tour.
Here are the final two parts of the Sacrifice interview on Hellbound Radio, in which the band answers some listeners questions, talks about the new album, the show this weekend in Toronto and the upcoming vinyl reissues due out in 2010. You don’t wanna miss it!
In the second part of our interview with Sacrifice, the band discusses the Soldiers of Misfortune album, recording at Phase One Studios, their stance on bootlegs recordings, their upcoming live concert DVD (!!!) and more.