Black Space Riders – D:REI
When I first reviewed this German band of Lars Ulrich lookalikes’ (seriously, the band photo in the press pack is uncanny) debut album, I…
When I first reviewed this German band of Lars Ulrich lookalikes’ (seriously, the band photo in the press pack is uncanny) debut album, I…
If I was heading to a pub in space, there is no doubt in my mind that I’d be picking the one that uses Black Space Riders as its house band. This is dirty psychedelic space sleaze at its finest.
Black Space Riders certainly know what sound they are going for and with only one minor misstep on this album I’d say they’ve found it. The music isn’t too spacey to deter fans of more doom styled stoner rock nor is it too doomy for the rock crowd. Is the music a case of trying to please everyone? Perhaps, but in this instance it really works.