Marduk / Aura Noir / Black Anvil / Panzerfaust / HOD @ the Wreckroom, Toronto ON, May 30, 2011
Natalie Zed reviews the May 30th show by MARDUK, AURA NOIR, BLACK ANVIL, PANZERFAUST and HOD at Toronto’s Wreckroom
Natalie Zed reviews the May 30th show by MARDUK, AURA NOIR, BLACK ANVIL, PANZERFAUST and HOD at Toronto’s Wreckroom
Download MetalSucks’ new NYC Metal Comp for free! Now! Did we mention it’s free?
“With Watain, there is no division between style and substance. Far from invoking the more alienating or shoe-gazing aspects of black metal, they invited the audience into their circle with their high-energy antics. They are, at their core, rock and roll at its extreme margins — noisy, nasty, problematic, maybe even unpredictable.”
Jonathan Smith reviews the December 4th Toronto performance by WATAIN, GOATWHORE and BLACK ANVIL at the Opera House.
“Soon enough, all ceremonial flames were lit and out strode the dread beast Watain to perform their black mass. What a show. From the opening strains of “Malfeitor”, Watain held the Rickshaw rapt with satanic attention. Their reputation preceding them, the band completely revel in malevolence and black theatrics, from coating themselves in pig’s blood to utilizing flame as the major light source onstage.”
Kyle Harcott reviews the November 14th Vancouver debut by WATAIN. Also on the bill were Goatwhore, Black Anvil and local support from Galgamex.
Black Anvil has given us a decent collection of songs with a genuine spin that can only reflect positively on the new wave of black metal in North America
Here is the playlist for the November 14th edition of Hellbound Radio
I like free things. I especially like them when they give me the chance to see a bunch of bands I dig for, well, nothing. So, after passing on going to the initial Scion Rock Festival with Kevin Stewart-Panko last year when it happened in Atlanta, I made up my mind I wouldn’t miss this year’s edition. When it was announced in early February that this year’s edition would be happening in a much closer location – Columbus, Ohio to be exact – we made plans to go.
Sean Palmerston recaps the 2010 Scion Rock Festival in Columbus OH for Hellbound.ca.
Like to win things? Looking to add a little more quality metal to your collection just before Christmas? Yeah, us too! Well, courtesy of the fine folks over at Relapse Records, Hellbound.ca has three (3) fantastic Relapse Records holiday gift packs to give away containing four brand new Relapse releases and a super cool art print lithograph of the new Baroness album artwork! More details inside.
Late November seems as good a time as any to take in a performance by Swedish metal veterans Marduk. A concert centered around a black metal band known for its own distinct take on imagery and songs centering on everything from war machines to religious blasphemy to paganism seems strangely appropriate for a grey month squashed between the twin commercial juggernauts that are Halloween and Christmas.
Concert review by Jonathan Smith
Like Goatwhore, like Crucifist, Black Anvil is not so much preoccupied with the thin-sounding Scandinavian aspect of black metal (although we are privy to the odd melodic movement reminiscent of Dissection) as they are completely obsessed with the mid-1980s first wave of Bathory, Possessed, and early Celtic Frost, the kind of primitive, immediate, old school metal with crust-infused riffs thick enough to stick to your ribs.
Adrien Begrand reviews the fantastic new debut release by NYC black metal/punk trio Black Anvil.