Postures – Postures
By Gruesome Greg The album cover of this Swedish quintet’s debut reminds me of a 70’s prog rock record, and both female vocals and…
By Gruesome Greg The album cover of this Swedish quintet’s debut reminds me of a 70’s prog rock record, and both female vocals and…
The Prophecy Productions write-up for Alcest’s fourth full-length album, Shelter, states that the record is “about the concept of shelter as a safe place that allows everybody to escape reality for an instant, to reunite with what we really are, deep down.” For myself, Shelter is like a vacation. At first it’s exciting and enthralling to be in a carefully curated hotel in a new place, but the longer you’re away, the more you’re reminded that a vacation is really just a temporary, transitional state towards a return to some other place.
By Gruesome Greg These Chicago sludgesters are a filthy, dirty beast that would rather rape your ears than shake your hand. Case in point,…
Indricothere are most definitely not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. Lacking an attention span for the most part, II will turn away the more traditional audience. But for those with more adventurous tastes, II serves as a testament to the unfathomable talent that resides in Colin Marston. Genius like this doesn’t come along very often.
It’s a great thing to have a new Motorhead album in 2013, especially when it is as solid as this one is. Aftershock does not disappoint throughout and is another great addition to the band’s catalogue. Long live Motorhead!
Hellbound Metal: “Labyrinth is an audible reflection of the album’s concept: chaotic with erudite intricacy. Look beyond the perpetual bewildering shifts of tempo and style, and you’ll gain much respect for Fleshgod Apocalypse’s pursuit of higher thinking.”
Hellbound Metal: “Wonderful songwriting and incredible dynamics surround the boundless emotional core on More Constant Than The Gods. Each and every track is precious in its pain and power. Subrosa plays the massive against the melancholic, heaviness against heartache, anger against affection, depression against devotion.”
Hellbound Metal: “The bare bones are still there, you get the sense that this is vaguely familiar, but in the end, it’s probably for the best that they didn’t slap the old name on here, cuz it definitely pales by comparison.”
Hellbound Metal: “Brave, moving and highly recommended.”
With their latest effort, Earth toys with the idea of heaviness. Angels of Darkness… isn’t an album that pounds and pummels you into submission, but lightly glides on by, taking you along for the ride. This record exudes mellow vibes, so light a candle and close your eyes as it takes you away…