Anvil / Alice Cooper @ Hamilton Place, Hamilton ON, May 17, 2011
“Anvil ended up onstage seven minutes earlier than their previously announced set time of eight PM. Quietly strolling on stage and taking their instruments, the trio gave a quick nod and got down to business. Much to my surprise, the band opened with an instrumental, the mighty “March of The Crabs”. The band was in fine form from the first note, with Robb Reiner comfortably holding the backbeat down like he always does. Playing on a sparsely set stage – just the band, their instruments and amps and a huge Anvil backdrop behind them, things really started to take shape with the evening’s second song, “Mothra”.”
Sean Palmerston reviews the May 17th performance by ANVIL and ALICE COOPER at Hamilton Place in Hamilton ON. Live photos by Albert Mansour