Heavy metal in 2017 by Adrien Begrand
Ah, that most glorious time of the year for music writers – year-end season is upon us once again! 2017 was a tumultuous year,…

Heavy metal in 2017 by Kyle Harcött
Ah, that most glorious time of the year for music writers – year-end season is upon us once again! 2017 was a tumultuous year,…

Heavy metal in 2017 by Jay H. Gorania
Ah, that most glorious time of the year for music writers – year-end season is upon us once again! 2017 was a tumultuous year,…

Heavy metal in 2017 by Gruesome Greg
Ah, that most glorious time of the year for music writers – year-end season is upon us once again! 2017 was a tumultuous year,…

Heavy Metal in 2017 by Elena Francis
Ah, that most glorious time of the year for music writers – year-end season is upon us once again! 2017 was a tumultuous year,…

Heavy Metal in 2017 by Steve Earles
Ah, that most glorious time of the year for music writers – year-end season is upon us once again! 2017 was a tumultuous year,…

Honourable mentions of 2017
We at Hellbound are nearly ready to weigh in on the best metal releases of 2017 with our collective top ten, as voted by…

Enslaved – E
Of course, after so many years, the excitement is already there as soon as a new Enslaved release is announced. They continue to surprise…