Gideon Smith & the Dixie Damned – 30 Weight
Not quite what I expected, sort of a subpar Danzig I with a coupla country-fried tunes tacked on to the end.
Not quite what I expected, sort of a subpar Danzig I with a coupla country-fried tunes tacked on to the end.
It may take a few spins to really grasp it, but Quarterpast has enough major virtues making the effort worthwhile. Hopefully, if Mayan does decide to put out a second album they can smooth out the creases
What do you get when you cross Dixie Dave with T-Roy Medlin? Well, whatever it is, it can be found in Hail! Hornet, a Carolina sludge supergroup combining the forces of two of the state’s biggest names with a couple former members of Sourvein and Alabama Thunderpussy.
On July 2nd a seven-band bill made up primarily of up-and-coming thrash metal bands descended on Toronto’s Blue Moon Pub for an mini festival of music dubbed The Thrash Bash. Hellbound’s Renee Trotier was there to soak it all in, here is her review of that evening’s show.
Overall, the live show is just amazing, musically, vocally, visually, the ensemble really pull it off. Hearing 80,000 fans singing along with Avantasia is a little awe inspiring.
If you like your doom proggy and your prog doomy, don’t hesitate to step into the psychotronic world of Blizaro.
Usually reunion albums are half-assed affairs but nobody told Autopsy on how this usually works. This is pure slime infested, gore ridden, putrid death metal done the only way Autopsy can deliver.
Kairos is definitely an album produced by a band that has seemingly stuck to their guns even when their decisions have divided their fan base. While not a huge progressive leap forward, it’s a great listen.
During the month of June Adam Wills traveled to Clisson, France to go to the 2011 edition of Hellfest. Here is his recap of day one in words and pictures, including reviews of the performances by Church Of Misery, In Solitude, Primordial, Down, Morbid Angel and more.
In perfect grind form, the pace of the album is relentless and unforgiving. Riff after riff after blast after scream after roar, it constantly maintains tension and refreshes itself, never failing prey to monotony.