
Mayan – Quarterpast

It may take a few spins to really grasp it, but Quarterpast has enough major virtues making the effort worthwhile. Hopefully, if Mayan does decide to put out a second album they can smooth out the creases

Hail! Hornet – Disperse the Curse

What do you get when you cross Dixie Dave with T-Roy Medlin? Well, whatever it is, it can be found in Hail! Hornet, a Carolina sludge supergroup combining the forces of two of the state’s biggest names with a couple former members of Sourvein and Alabama Thunderpussy.

Sepultura – Kairos

Kairos is definitely an album produced by a band that has seemingly stuck to their guns even when their decisions have divided their fan base. While not a huge progressive leap forward, it’s a great listen.