
Lou Reed & Metallica – Lulu

The sense that both Lou Reed and Metallica are too proud and too set in their ways to give each other a little leeway in this collaboration ends up being Lulu’s defining trait. Each step of the way through this run-time, Reed plays the stoic artist of words and music has has always been, while Metallica simply grinds out repetitive riffs and rhythm figures as they have always done, each with little or no regard for what the other may be doing at the same time

Altar of Plagues – Mammal

The second full-length release from Ireland’s Altar of Plagues is an achievement that builds upon (and surpasses) their first album in almost every way. White Tomb was (and still is) a fantastic album, but Mammal is the product of a band with a more unique identity and more matured skills.

Hammers Of Misfortune – 17th Street

7th Street is another impeccable notch in the Hammers’ collective belt, and while it may be their most sophisticated and accessible album to date, it is without a doubt sonically and thematically classic Hammers of Misfortune. One of the must-have albums for 2011.

Evile – Five Serpent’s Teeth

Five Serpent’s Teeth proves that Evile are also growing, in terms of skill and aesthetics. The album is faster and more precise; the band members are surer of their choices and influences; and their sound is more original and independent.

Textures – Dualism

This is the kind of refreshment the metal scene needs every once in a while. Kind of like a retreat in a continent far from home, or giving your neck a break from the whiplash and moshpit to enjoy every bar note for note.