Ides of Gemini – Constantinople
Sparseness and minimalism play a large part in Constantinople’s allure, and the space within the tracks leaves room for darkly spiritual reflection.
Sparseness and minimalism play a large part in Constantinople’s allure, and the space within the tracks leaves room for darkly spiritual reflection.
As much as I’m digging this record, I’d hate to give it a perfect 10 for being so agonizingly, cockteasingly short. But, y’know, it’s pretty damn close. If you ever enjoyed the Wino era of Vitus, you will definitely dig this.
Album number two from this Bay Area female-fronted doom trio. Funeral doom this is not—eight tracks spanning less than 36 minutes. From the upbeat (if none too uplifting) chugs and gleaming instro passages of the opener “Ever Hunter” through the piercing, haunted wails and jagged riffing of “Corpse Candles,” this is not your slogging bog-band doom, either.
If you crave intelligent, forward thinking, original and downright unsettling music than the self-titled effort by Metallic Taste Of Blood should satisfy your every need. This is sheer musical bliss. Utterly breathtaking!
Monolith of Inhumanity is the most notable of Cattle Decapitation’s releases so far, and its more progressive passages suggest possible future additions to the band’s traditional approach to things. They’re additions that I would be happy to see the band build on as they continue their climb up to broader recognizability and an increasingly unique ensemble sound.
So, there’s a new Napalm Death album that’s absolutely incredible? That’s about as surprising as the possibility of death and taxes.
If you are into Black Metal and especially something with an atmospheric and ambient edge to it, definitely get this album; it will be well worth it.
“Although I did see the inaugural version of Paganfest, I’ve missed the rest throughout the past few years due to whatever reason. Sometimes the tour date didn’t come quite close enough and sometimes it was a job issue. But with the lineup for this year’s show being pretty awesome and the measly one hour drive requirement to get to the show, I felt the only choice was to go and get my metal on.”
Live review and photos by Justin Richardson
Another edition of thought-provoking book reviews from our Irish based correspondent Steve Earles. Please enjoy!
Adrien Begrand reviews the May 4th Saskatoon performance by Untimely Demise, Grand Master, Mares of Thrace and Agony Spawn at Amigos.