Ghoul – Intermediate Level Hardcore
Hellbound Metal: “The EP flies by in less than seven and a half minutes and each second oozes bloodsoaked fun. It’s a riotous good time full of aggression and tongue-in-cheek humour.”
Hellbound Metal: “The EP flies by in less than seven and a half minutes and each second oozes bloodsoaked fun. It’s a riotous good time full of aggression and tongue-in-cheek humour.”
By Gruesome Greg After hearing this female-fronted Virigina doom troupe’s contribution to the Cough split, I was very much looking forward to their full-length…
Don’t get me wrong, [Chron Goblin] could still be considered desert rock (hell, they even crossed the pond and played Desertfest), but there’s a bit more of a bluesy influence here, a little more up-tempo approach—but with some very heavy riffs thrown in for good measure.
Hellbound Metal: ” Odori Sepulcrorum is a sprawling and magnificent brew of the crushing might of death metal, the downtrodden scope of doom and the atmosphere of black metal. It presses in on the consciousness, making its victims uncomfortable in the least, and rendered mad at its best.”
Hellbound Metal: “Labyrinth is an audible reflection of the album’s concept: chaotic with erudite intricacy. Look beyond the perpetual bewildering shifts of tempo and style, and you’ll gain much respect for Fleshgod Apocalypse’s pursuit of higher thinking.”
“A smoke-filled backdrop and a barefoot bassist set the stage for vocalist/flautist/keyboardist Alia O’Brien to cast a spell over the crowd. Her seemingly effortless weaving between instruments, combined with undeniable natural charisma, made her a magnetic presence on stage.”
Danielle Griscti reviews the Toronto album release party by Blood Ceremony at the Horseshoe Tavern on Saturday, September 14th, which also featured Biblical and Cauchemar.
On August 23 – 25 the Southern Ontario Metal Fest came to Hamilton’s Club Absinthe and Hellbound’s Laura Wiebe was there to soak it all in. Here is her recap of the festival, with live photography by Adam Wills.
Hellbound Metal: “Call this power-doom if thou wilt, but they’re definitely more power, less doom this time around.”
Hellbound Metal: “Wonderful songwriting and incredible dynamics surround the boundless emotional core on More Constant Than The Gods. Each and every track is precious in its pain and power. Subrosa plays the massive against the melancholic, heaviness against heartache, anger against affection, depression against devotion.”
Hellbound Metal: “I’m not saying Fates has released an all time classic but with this album they can stand proud and show all the doubters that they are indeed back and can still be a force in progressive metal.”