The Body Politic – Egressor EP
Taking their name from a Clive Barker story, The Body Politic share a similar desire to take their art in new directions. Opening track…
Taking their name from a Clive Barker story, The Body Politic share a similar desire to take their art in new directions. Opening track…
I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve never heard either of these British bands before, though they’ve both been around for a handful…
I must admit that I’m somewhat partial to the autobiographical sludge solo project. (Let’s just say that if I ever get my shit off…
Passion and sincerity are what matters most in music, and Disparager have an overabundance of those. Opening with “Pictures,” the band show themselves as…
A Belgian band named after the Cuban Missile Crisis is not something you hear every day. Nor are they the only outfit with that…
It’s not cool to cut yourself; remember that, kids. But Secret Cutter, a bassless trio from Bethlehem (Pennsylvania, that is), is out to make the…
I’ve been hearing a bit of buzz about Blues Pills for some time, albeit predominantly from the other side of the pond. Though not…
I actually just saw these recent Metal Blade signees about a month ago at Days of the Doomed IV, where I was knocked out…
If the review of the Spooky split with Acid Switch whetted your appetite for more Nunslaughter, read on… Angelic Dread is Nunslaughter’s first full length…
Although they’re actually from Ottawa, this doom duo is named after a former Siberian slave-labour camp now known as one of the most polluted…