Sean Palmerston

Sean is the founder/publisher of; he has also written about metal for Exclaim!, Metal Maniacs, Roadburn, Unrestrained! and Vice.

Monster Truck – Furiosity

Hellbound Metal: “Furiosity represents a necessary change in mainstream rock in that it is loud, horny and has a few sparks of chaos about it. There is nothing contrived about, it is a genuine, pigheaded stab against mediocrity that is just screaming to be heard. Go buy it now and play it loud – it deserves to be.

Adrenechrome – Hideous Appetites

Hellbound Metal: As a young band Adrenechrome may just be starting to nail down exactly what they want to be. Hideous Appetites is a good start. With chops to spare (Mike Van Dyk is one sick bassist.) and a good grasp on hooks, they are pretty close.

Lychgate – s/t

Hellbound Metal: “Lychgate is a harrowing experience not for the faint of heart guaranteed to shrivel your soul into a black mass with its dense sonics and disorienting vocal ministrations.”

Iggy and The Stooges – Ready To Die

Hellbound Metal: “Some may curse and call that contention a soft option, but wasn’t the dichotomy that Iggy and The Stooges – and The Stooges before them – always straddled? Weren’t they they band who rocked like hell, even as they were shooting themselves in the foot, rolling in broken glass or setting themselves on fire? Wasn’t it all as fun, silly, stupid and lighthearted as it ws dark and dangerous? Yeah – it was. Ready To Die is too”

Inter Arma – Sky Burial

Hellbound Metal: “Beneath the roiling black clouds thundering amid the highest peaks, the process of death’s bodily finality plays out its bloody and peaceful last act. Sky Burial is an intensely powerful, emotional album best enjoyed as a whole.”