Elder – The Gold & Silver Sessions
And now for something completely different… Elder, one of the most talented outfits in the stoner rock realm, have gone krautrock with what was…
And now for something completely different… Elder, one of the most talented outfits in the stoner rock realm, have gone krautrock with what was…
By the release of their fourth album, Rust, Monolord has well defined their sound. You could thus say this record sounds very Monolordy…or Monolordian?…
Last weekend, the place to be was south of the border, as Acid King brought their Busse Woods 20th anniversary tour to Buffalo’s Mohawk Place
Brant Bjork used to be a summertime staple in Toronto. Back when NXNE took over every live music venue in town, he would play here once a year…
I was a big fan of Nashville trio Howling Giant’s debut two-part EP, Black Hole Space Wizard – a modern take on stoner rock…
I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen Boris over the years, but it’s always been at Lee’s Palace (except that one time, in Baltimore) and they always put on a good show.
They didn’t start up until a couple years after I left town, but I’ve always followed Calgary stoner rock veterans Chron Goblin from afar….
I’d been looking forward to this gig as soon as it was announced. Underground doom metal legends Pagan Altar — on a Saturday, no less — supported by three of the biggest names in Canadian doom.
After the psychedelic stoner rock of Mankind Woman and the funky jazz odyssey Jacoozzi, Brant Bjork is putting out his third record in about…
While not immediately obvious from song titles like “Last of the Summer Slime” and “Black Shirt, Blacker Sabbath,” this debut EP from UK outfit…