Circle Jerks – Group Sex
At this point, six years after the band that Keith Morris, Steven McDonald, Dimitri Coats and Mario Rubalcaba started took off (ahem – no…
At this point, six years after the band that Keith Morris, Steven McDonald, Dimitri Coats and Mario Rubalcaba started took off (ahem – no…
[Editor’s Note: This review was written prior to David Bowie’s death on January 10, 2016 but did not arrive on the editor’s desk at…
It’s a far more rare event now than it used to be, thanks to the internet digitally bootlegging music and making it all available…
This year, Harrington Saints really broke through and made an impression when they bucked their own traditions, crossed pop-punk and Oi and changed their…
In this age of computer-generated musical perfection, it’s refreshing to hear Sore – Dilly Dally‘s debut album. For the first time in what feels…
After Souljacker was released, nothing was ever quite the same again for the Eels. Part of it must have felt fantastic because the band…
…And then, for their fourth LP, Eels would offer their fans something completely different. Before this point in their catalogue, the band has remained…
It can sometimes be interesting to see what creative decisions and concessions get made after an album has been out for a while and…
It may have occurred by accident or it may have happened by design but, regardless, few alt-rock albums made in the late Nineties (a.k.a….
Above all else, the first thing you need to know about All Them Witches is that nothing is exactly as it seems. If all…