Where Hardcore, Punk And Metal Collide
By Alexandros Anesiadis
Foreword by Ian Glasper
Published by Cherry Red Books

This is a fine idea for a book and it has been executed by a fine writer, who, to say he knows his subject inside-out is the understatement of the century! Moreover, when you have an equally fine and knowledgeable writer as Ian Glasper (who, after all, was there!) writing the foreword, you know this book has the stamp of quality (and Ian is in Warwound, so much respect).
This is an important book and will appeal not just to fans of the punk/metal crossover that began in the 80s, but fans of good music writing in general. This is a very interesting book with a multitude of great interviews with the folks who were there.
Alexandros Anesiadis comes across as sincere and enthusiastic, the kind of fellow you’d enjoy chatting to about music in the pub. His personality shines through the book, adding an extra dimension to his superb interviews. I note that the interviewees, who were initially active in a pre-‘social’ media world, have much more to say for themselves.
Highlights for me? So, many, but to pick but two, I’d go for the features on two of my all-time favourite bands, Amebix and Sacrilege – two truly superb pieces of writing and interviewing. Sacrilege are such an interesting and influential band – I can’t recommend them enough; if anyone from Sacrilege reads this, please consider recording some new music and maybe even playing live. As for Amebix, again, essential listening, as are Tau Cross (a spin-off band with Away from Voivod on drums).
I also have to say, as a writer myself, I’m staggered at the sheer amount of high quality work Alexandros has put into ‘Crossover The Edge’ – well done, sir!
To conclude, I can’t recommend this book enough, it is superb both for reading and reference.