Unleash The Archers – Apex

Unleash The Archers play excellent traditional metal, which I very much mean as a compliment. There are occasional diversions into harsher vocal realms, but this is unnecessary when you’ve got a vocalist as good as Brittney Slayes. Like Kobra Paige, she gives her band a strong identity and has a most metal name as an added bonus. Overall, a strong album from a band that deserves a wide audience. Stand out tracks include ‘Earth and Ashes’ and ‘Call Me Immortal’ but all the tracks work well together, forming an excellent piece of work.

(Napalm Records)




Steve Earles is author and co-author of numerous projects, including To End All Wars: The WWI Graphic Anthology, available summer 2014 (http://toendallwarscomic.wordpress.com/writers/).