Greber: hanging out, playing riffs, losing money, making noise

There’s a new album out from Greber. Check it out. And while you’re checking it out, check out what Greber bassist/vocalist Marc Bourgon (who you may also know from Fuck the Facts) has to say about the band, their music, and other related awesomeness.

The basic info:


Greber 2014 Photo by Dave Levitt Photography

Who’s in the band and what is each member’s role?

Steve Vargas – Vocals, Drums
Marc Bourgon – Vocals, Bass

Marc: The band name means nothing at all. It’s just a handle that we decided wasn’t totally silly and we figured we would use it.

Where are you based?

Steve and I both live in Cambridge, Ontario. It’s a small city west of Toronto where people wear pajama pants as regular pants. We invented that shit.

How long has the band been around? What’s your history together?

We’ve been around for around 7 years. Sad right? We played together for longer before that in another band called Tugnut. It ended and we decided that we still wanted to hang out, play riffs and lose money. Why not, right?

What’s your biggest inspiration, musical or otherwise?

For me, personally, my biggest inspirations are my friends and bandmates. Everyone one I know (for the most part) is doing their thing and not looking back. I consider myself lucky to be surrounded by rad people and seeing them do awesome shit inspires me to try my best to do the same. The musical influence of the band is all about the live experience. We just want people to bang their heads and laugh at how ridiculously heavy something is.

What music have you recorded and released?

Not enough. We released an EP called Hometown Heroin years ago and have done a few splits with bands here and there. We’re busy, man!

Where can we hear it? BAM

Kiln Hardened Cover FEB3 copy

Kiln Hardened Psalms

The new record:

Kiln Hardened Psalms (Handshake Inc) – when and where did you record it?

We recorded the drums about a year ago and I finished up the bass/vocals and mixing duties over the summer. It’s taken an insanely long time to complete. We feel great shame people. Great shame.

What is it about? What idea, emotion, or feeling do you think or hope it communicates?

The record is all about growing as a human. Pretty much just articulating the layer of life’s calcium that clings to your soul over the years. I would always refer to touring the US as “The Kiln” because it will either harden the fuck out of you, or you will explode. It happens and there is no shame in it but it’s something we dwell on.

How can people get the album?

We will be putting it up for digital download on the 4th of November on our bandcamp as well as on the Handshake Inc site. We will have CDs on this upcoming east coast tour and eventually there will be a 33rpm LP available on No Why Records (a new label run by our good friend Mark McGee) and Handshake.

Where and when can people hear it live?

11/05-Halifax, NS
11/07-Saint John, NB
11/08-Quebec, QC

Should be a ripping time!

What is Greber about?

What captures the essence of Greber better – live or recording? (or is there an “essence”?)

Live for sure. Records are fine too because we can cheat and replace literally everything so that people think we are sik musikians but live is where it’s at for sure.

Battles won – what are your proudest achievements so far or challenges overcome?

I’m personally stoked that we were able to play 2 shows with a band called Yautja. Steve and I are both HUGE fans of those guys and playing with them was a feather in the serrated cap of the kyfe lyfe.

Battles to come – what are you hoping to achieve in the near or distant future?

We already have 2/3rd of a new record written so hopefully within the next 25 years we can get another one out.

Share some band trivia – an interesting, amusing or little known fact about Greber (and/or explain the hockey player/band name thing you have going on).

Is Greber a hockey player? Shit! That was totally a mistake. Uhhh……. interesting fact, eh? We have a ritual in our set that involves the crowd but I won’t say what it is: you just have to be there and have a beer in your hands.

Greber online:

Have you checked out the new record yet? If not, what are you waiting for?! presents Canuck Metal You Don't Want to Miss

Laura is associate editor of and co-host of weekly metal show Kill Eat Exploit the Weak on CFMU 93.3 FM. She loves doom, prog, cats and basketball, believes in equity and social justice and is not cool with any form of discrimination, marginalization, harassment or oppression.