Hellbound Staff Interrogations #9: Renee Trotier

Today’s staff interview is with another one of the talented women we are lucky to be able to count as a contributor to Hellbound. I met Renee Trotier through twitter of all places, when I started following her account (@metalrenee, by the way, you should all follow her too). After checking out her site and realizing she was local I asked her if she’d be interested in contributing to the site. It’s something I have never regretted for a second.

-Sean Palmerston

Name and Location:
Renee Trotier, Burlington, Ontario.

How did you start writing for Hellbound?
I started a blog called Throwing the Horns in January of last year partly out of boredom, and partly as a way of justifying all the metal shows I was going to. I had been talking to Sean (our editor) randomly here and there on Twitter and when I asked local metal band Hallows Die if I could review a show for them, Sean asked if I would be interested in having the piece published on Hellbound.ca instead. I was already a fan of the site so naturally I accepted with an enthusiastic “Hell yeah!”.

What’s your favorite piece published during Hellbound’s two years?
I’m very fond of the “Postcards from Natalie Zed” column, and I have, in fact, read every one that’s been published to date. Also, that first Hallows Die review that I wrote for the site holds a place in the dark recesses of my heart. There’s something special about seeing your name published atop something you’ve written.

What are some of your best concert memories?
The first Heavy MTL festival was my first outdoor metal fest experience, and I can remember walking through the gates at Parc Jean-Drapeau and being completely blown away. The venue was perfect, packed with thousands of metal heads around two massive stages, and from the top of the hill at the back you could see the entire city of Montreal in the background. Sets by Mastodon, Dethklok, 3 Inches of Blood, and Iron Maiden were just the cherry on top of it all.

Black metal, death metal or grind?
Death metal in all its forms.

Person you’d like to interview but it hasn’t happened…
Although I’ve already met him, I think Brendon Small would be fun to interview. That and Mikael Akefeldt from Opeth.

The most underrated metal album is:
Quiet Earth by Bison BC

You are suspended in limbo for eternity and can only listen to five metal albums on repeat. What are they?
What a horrendous scenario, although I suppose having 5 albums is better than none!
In no particular order:
Mastodon – Leviathan
Graveyard – Hisingen Blues
Primordial – To the Nameless Dead
Skeletonwitch – Breathing the Fire
Bison b.c. – Quiet Earth

Sean is the founder/publisher of Hellbound.ca; he has also written about metal for Exclaim!, Metal Maniacs, Roadburn, Unrestrained! and Vice.